The 34th Red Bull Infantry Division

Tag Archive for: The Red Bulls

10562943_922890134394790_7033531662992230515_nThis week we’re recording during Military Appreciation Day at the Minnesota State Fair with an update on the latest news from our troops at home and overseas. Guests include:

Callaway-GolfThis week we find out about a great benefit that helps veterans and we learn about an organization that is open to anyone who has ever worn a ‘Red Bull’ patch. Our co-host this week is the new Senior Enlisted Advisor for the Minnesota National Guard. Guests include:

6009154599_5ed509f4f6_oThis week, we’ll hear about the upcoming deployment of more than 200 Minnesota troops and we’ll talk with Director of Claims and Outreach for the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs. Guests include:

  • Ron Quade of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Army Col. Greg Thingvold and Command Sgt. Maj. Cindy Kallberg of the Minnesota National Guard

Boj-lQEIIAAv2-X.jpg-largeWe’re live today for Memorial Day from 6-9 covering the events happening across the state to honor our fallen. Guests and special co-hosts include:



1943-pratella-italy-34th-infantry-divisionThis week, with the 70th anniversaries of the liberation of Rome and D-Day quickly approaching we go in-depth on Minnesota’s contributions to the war. We’ll also get updates from Minnesota’s American Legion and the Minneapolis VA. Guests include:

  • Doug Bekke of the Minnesota Military Museum
  • Mike Ash of Minnesota’s American Legion
  • Patrick Kelly of the Minneapolis VA