This week we talk with Maj. Paul Rickert from Minnesota’s 1st Brigade of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division about the upcoming deployment of 2,400 Minnesotans and we take a look at Fischer House and their work to support our wounded veterans an their families.
The 34th Red Bull Infantry Division
Tag Archive for: The Red Bulls
This week we talk about the new Red Bull based feature film ‘Souvenirs’, later renamed ‘Memorial Day’, with Sam Fischer and Craig Christiansen and we get an update from Linda Ball at PawPADs on their work helping veterans through service dogs.
This week we talk with Lisa Baskfield from Baskfield and Associates about tax services available for our Servicemembers and we take a look at the upcoming deployment of Minnesota’s Red Bulls with their Brigade Commander, Colonel Eric Kerska.
This week we feature the Soldiers of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division Band, opportunities for Veterans to start small businesses, upcoming Veterans Day events in your area and finally, one of our states most historic military units, the First Minnesota. Guests include: Chief Warrant Officer Trygve Skaar from the 34th Infantry Division Red Bull Band, Jim Finley for the Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development (DEED), Gilbert Acevedo from the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs, Stephen Osman from the Minnesota Military Museum and Lt. Col. Kevin Olson from the Minnesota National Guard.