The 34th Red Bull Infantry Division

Tag Archive for: The Red Bulls

34th ID Return and UofM ROTC

This week, we’ll be connecting with Soldiers from the 34th Infantry Division who have recently returned from Operation Spartan Shield. We’ll also meet with members of the University of Minnesota’s ROTC program and receive an update from our Minnesota National Guard military producer. Guests include:

This week we have the 2nd installment of engaging with the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division at Camp Arifjan to provide valuable insights into their experiences and challenges during deployment. Guests include:


34th Infantry Division in Kuwait part 1

This week we are engaging with the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division at Camp Arifjan to provide valuable insights into their experiences and challenges during deployment. Guests include:

Commanding General of the 34th ID and Veteran Legislation

This week we meet with the Commanding General of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division, discuss Veteran Legislation with the Legislative Director of the DAV Department of Minnesota and get an update from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. Guests include:

This week we discuss all things Military Appreciation Day at the Minnesota State Fair with the director of the Army National Guard and Adjutant General of the Minnesota National Guard and meet with the Commander of the The Red Bull Band – 34th Infantry Division. Guests include: