The 34th Red Bull Infantry Division

Tag Archive for: The Red Bulls

34th Red Bull Infantry Division and SOAR Program

This week we meet with the Commander of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division, learn about the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs SOAR Program and get an update from the Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers. Recorded live from the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division Headquarters. Guests include:

1st Brigade, 34th Infantry Division and Vet Centers

This week we meet with the Commander of the 1st Brigade, 34th Infantry Division, learn about Vet Centers from a Veterans Outreach Specialist, and get an update from the MN Patriot Guard. Guests include:

Red Bulls Upcoming Deployment and Veteran Suicide Prevention

This week we learn about an upcoming deployment of the 1st Brigade, 34th Infantry Division, discuss Veteran Suicide Prevention with the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs and get an update from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. Guests include:

This week we check in with the command team of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division, learn how the American Legion Department of Minnesota is going virtual and get an update from the Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers. Guests include:

This week join our guest hosts Doug Wortham and Jason Burley to get an update from President and CEO of the Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV). Then we hear from the command team of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division.

Guests include: