Tag Archive for: minnesota association of county veteran service officers

MDVA Suicide Prevention and ESGR Patriot Award

This week we discuss Minnesota Veteran Suicide Prevention with the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs, meet with a Minnesota Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Patriot Award Recipient and get an update from the Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers. Guests include:

Click here to learn more about the MDVA’s Veteran Suicide Prevention and Awareness Day Event

This week we talk about the history of Military Appreciation Day at the Minnesota State Fair with the Minnesota National Guard, learn about employer outreach with Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, discuss Veterans Benefits with the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and get an update from the Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers. Guests include:

This week we meet with the Commander of the 148th Fighter Wing, learn about the Minnesota National Guard Youth Camp and get an update from the Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers. Guests include:

MNNG's Special Emphasis Program and MDVA's SOAR Program

This week we learn about the Minnesota National Guard’s Diversity & Inclusion Special Emphasis Program. Discuss how the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs SOAR Program is helping Veterans in need and get an update from the Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers. Guests include:

34TH DIVARTY and MDVA's Senior Admin Officer

This week we meet with the 34th Infantry Division Artillery – Divarty, meet the new Senior Administrative Officer from the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs and get an update from the Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers. Guests include: