Tag Archive for: minnesota association of county veteran service officers

This week we meet with a Clinical Neuropsychologist, Physical Therapist and Dietitian from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System to talk about Healthy Aging, Diet and Physical Health. We also meet with the President of the Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers and discuss benefits for our Aging Veterans. Guests include:

COMPACT Act and Hibbing BTYR

This week discuss the COMPACT Act and Mental Health with the Minneapolis VA Health Care System, learn about Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Hibbing-Chisholm Area and get an update from the Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers. Guests include:

Veterans Day on the Hill 2024

This week we discuss the upcoming Veterans Day on the Hill co-hosted by the Legislative Director of the DAV Department of Minnesota with special guests from the Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers. Guest include:

Spring Emergency Preparedness

This week we host our annual Spring Preparedness Show with leadership from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Paul District, Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management and the Minnesota National Guard. We also get an update from the Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers. Guests include:

Diabetes Awareness and Isanti County BTYR

This week we discuss Diabetes Awareness with the Minneapolis VA Health Care System, get an update from the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon – Isanti County and meet the new Executive Director of the Minnesota Association of County Veterans Service Officers. Guests include: