The 55th Civil Support Team and Camp Gratitude

This week we meet with the Minnesota National Guard’s 55th Civil Support Team, learn about Camp Gratitude and get an update from our County Veteran Service Officer. Guests include:

VA's Telehealth and Bunker Labs

This week we learn about Telehealth technology at the Minneapolis VA Health Care System, meet with Bunker Labs Minneapolis to find out how they are helping Veteran Entrepreneurs and get an update from the Senior Enlisted Advisor. Guests include:

Red Bull Commander and MDVA Homeless Veteran Coordinator

This week we meet the new Commander of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division and meet with the Homeless Veteran Coordinator at the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs. Guests include:

Regions Hospital and American Legion

This week we meet with a Beyond the Yellow Ribbon company Regions Hospital and we get and update from the Department Commander of the American Legion Department of Minnesota. Guests include:

Camp Ripley and MAC-V

This week we meet the new Senior Commander of Camp Ripley, learn how Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans is combating Veteran Homelessness and get an update from our County Veteran Service Officer. Guests include:

Minneapolis VA and Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Year in Review

This week we look back on 2017 and ahead to 2018 with the Minneapolis VA Health Care System and the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon program, we also get an update about the Army Corps of Engineers mission in Puerto Rico. Guests include:

2017 Year in Review

This week we take a look back at the year that was and forward toward what’s to come in this new year for the Minnesota National Guard and Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs. Guests include:

Commanders Task Force Christmas Show

This week we have our annual Commanders Task Force Christmas Show with State Commanders from Disabled American Veterans – Department of Minnesota, American Legion – Department of Minnesota, Marine Corps League – Department of Minnesota and Minnesota Paralyzed Veterans of America. We also get and update from the Minnesota Patriot Guard. Guests include:


Doug Wortham


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