This week we take a look at Minnesota’s latest legislation aimed at taking on veteran unemployment and with the upcoming 40th anniversary of the return of our Vietnam War POWs, we’ll get a preview of a special show we have planned. Guests include:

This week’s veteran is former Navy Commander Peter Kaczanowski who served 20 years in the Navy in Training and Operations services. He is LEED and Six Sigma certified and has a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) and a Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering. Pete is looking for employment in Program Management and would seeking work at United Health Group, General Electric or United Technologies.

Pete and hundreds of others are ready to work hard on their next mission. Can we Hire Minnesota’s Heroes? To connect with Pete contact the Hennepin South WorkForce Center at 952-346-4000 or visit:

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This week, just back from Afghanistan, we’ll hear from Minnesota’s Agribusiness Development Team about an upcoming documentary on their mission.We’ll also discover about a new effort to help returning veterans reintegrate. Guests include:

This week, we’ll discover Fort Snelling’s last war with military historian Stephan Osman and, with the holidays quickly approaching, Les Hanson of Toys4Military Kids will join us to talk about how you can help kids in need.

This week’s featured veteran in Army Capt. Ryan Curl. Ryan just returned from his first tour in Afghanistan having also completed a tour in Iraq. As a Logistics Officer with the Minnesota National Guard, he was a Military Advisor for the Afghan National Army. He has experience managing several support organizations in addition to recruiting and marketing for the Army ROTC program at the University of Minnesota. He’s also held civilian jobs for the American Red Cross and at a family owned bank.

This week we discover an innovative University of Minnesota invention that’s saving the lives of Soldiers in Afghanistan and police officers here at home and we’ll take a look at Minnesota’s Warrant Officer Corps with the state’s Command Chief Warrant Officer. Guests include: