Entries by Ryan

Legislative Session Review and Warrant Officer Program

This week we talk with the legislative director at the Minnesota Department of Veteran Affairs, learn about the Warrant Officer Program at the Minnesota National Guard and get an update from the associate director of the Minneapolis VA. Guest include: Ben Johnson – Minnesota Department of Veteran Affairs Command Chief Kip Knudson –  Minnesota National Guard […]

Veteran Visits Vietnam and The Patriot Ride

This week we talk with a Veteran about his trip back to Vietnam, talk with the Minnesota President of the Vietnam Veterans of America, get a word with the Senior Enlisted Advisor and learn about the 2016 Patriot Ride. Guests include: Bob Behrens – Vietnam Veterans of America Clyde Lewandowski – Vietnam Veterans of America Nga […]

Memorial Day Live 2016 | Hour 3

We’re live today for Memorial Day from 6-9 covering the events happening across the state to honor our falllen. Guests and special co-hosts include: Hour 3 Brig. Gen. Jon Jensen Minnesota National Guard Don Kerr Minnesota Department of Military Affairs Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton

Memorial Day Live 2016 Hour 2

We’re live today for Memorial Day from 6-9 covering the events happening across the state to honor our falllen. Guests and special co-hosts include:     Hour 2 Commissioner Larry Shellito Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs President Lisa Klenk Minnesota Association of County Veteran Service Officer Commander James Kellogg Minnesota American Legion Commander Mick Aguirre Minnesota Disable American Veterans http://MinnesotaMilitaryRadioHour.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/MMR-mem-day-h2.mp3

Memorial Day Live 2016 Hour 1

We’re live today for Memorial Day from 6-9 covering the events happening across the state to honor our fallen. Guests and special co-hosts include:     Hour 1 Chaplain (MAJ) Buddy Winn Minnesota National Guard Chaplain Corps Doug Bley Patriot Guard Josh Lehmann Burl Oaks Director Joe Kelly Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management http://MinnesotaMilitaryRadioHour.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/MMR-mem-day-h1.mp3