Sweet Martha’s Cookies & Commissioner Shellito
This week we talk with Brad Walton and “Sweet” Martha Olson about Cookies for the Troops and we talk to Minnesota’s new commissioner of Veterans’ Affairs, Larry Shellito.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Ryan contributed 773 entries already.
This week we talk with Brad Walton and “Sweet” Martha Olson about Cookies for the Troops and we talk to Minnesota’s new commissioner of Veterans’ Affairs, Larry Shellito.
This week we talk with Lisa Baskfield from Baskfield and Associates about tax services available for our Servicemembers and we take a look at the upcoming deployment of Minnesota’s Red Bulls with their Brigade Commander, Colonel Eric Kerska.
This week we talk with Maj. John Dotterer from the University of Minnesota about ROTC opportunities and we take a look at Minnesota’s World War II History Roundtable with Dennis Showalter of Colorado College.
This week we talk to Maj. Scott Rohweder from the Minnesota National Guard about the National Guard’s state mission, Maj. Darrin Janish joins us to talk about Family Prep Academy and finally, we take a look at Minnesota During World War One with Doug Bekke.
This week we talk with State Command Sgt. Maj. Scott Mills about The Minnesota National Guard in 2010, Megan Riffe joins us to talk about Yellow Ribbon Employment Coach Program and finally, we take a look at Minnesota in the Spanish American War with Leland Smith.
4979 Olson Memorial Hwy
Suite 101
Golden Valley, MN 55422