Entries by Ryan

34th Red Bull Infantry Division Association & Honor Flights

This week we find out about the 34th RedBull Infantry Division Association and get an update on upcoming Honor Flights. We also find out about the Minnesota National Guard Senior Enlisted Advisor’s priorities. Guests include: Sgt. First Class Ashlee Lolkus and Darline Smith of the 34th Infantry Division Association Jerry Kyser of the Honor Flight Twin Cities Command Sgt. Maj. […]

Suicide Awareness Roundtable

This week we go in-depth on suicide, which now claims the lives of an estimated 22 veterans each day. Guest include: Chaplain (Major) Buddy Winn and Capt. Ron Jarvi of the Minnesota National Guard Lindy Fortin of the Minneapolis VA If you or someone you know is at risk, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, then press […]

Military Appreciation Day at the Fair

This week we’re recording during Military Appreciation Day at the Minnesota State Fair with an update on the latest news from our troops at home and overseas. Guests include: Maj. Gen. Neil Loidolt, Commanding General of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division Col. Greg Thingvold of the 34th Combat Aviation Brigade & Sara Thingvold Mike Evans and Robert […]

Veterans Affairs at the Fair

This week we’re recording during Military Appreciation Day at the Minnesota State Fair to talk about the latest Veteran news. Guests include: Governor Mark Dayton Commissioner Larry Shellito and Deputy Commissioners Reggie Worlds and Robin Gaustad of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs Director Patrick Kelly of the Minneapolis VA

Birdies for the Brave & 34th Infantry Division Association

This week we find out about a great benefit that helps veterans and we learn about an organization that is open to anyone who has ever worn a ‘Red Bull’ patch. Our co-host this week is the new Senior Enlisted Advisor for the Minnesota National Guard. Guests include: Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Ron “Curly” Albrecht of the 34th Red […]