Entries by Ryan

Four Years of Minnesota Military Radio

This week we’ll hear about what it takes to make Minnesota Military Radio and what year five holds for listeners. Guests include: Anna Long and Beth Kocian of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs Mike Crusham and Andrew Lee of Twin Cities News Talk & iHeartMedia Minneapolis Ralph Heusner of the Minneapolis VA Army Col. […]

WWII Though a Soldier’s Eyes & Hastings Veteran Home

This week we’ll learn about “Through a Soldier’s Eyes”, the upcoming feature on Twin Cities Public Television that spans the generation from WWII to Iraq. We’ll also hear about all that the Hastings Veteran Home has to offer and we’ll meet the Senior Enlisted Advisor of the United State’s Army’s First Army. Guests include: Command Sergeants […]

The Return of Sequestration & Veterans Voices Awards

This week we’ll hear about the damaging effects on our military from the return of sequestration and we’ll discover how Minnesota is honoring our state’s top veterans. Guests include: Army Col. (Ret.) Don Kerr of the Gen. John W. Vessey Chapter of the Association of the United States Army and Minnesota Department of Military Affairs […]

Yellow Ribbon Company Seminar & Caregiver Support

This week we’ll hear about an upcoming business seminar specifically for Minnesota’s current and aspiring Yellow Ribbon companies and we discover the VA’s stipend program for helping the caregivers of disabled veterans. Guests include: Annette Kuyper of Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Eric Halvorson of Wells Fargo Mike Reckard of the Minneapolis VA David Anderson of […]

Minnesota’s 1st Brigade Red Bulls & Mobile Vet Center

This week we’ll hear about Minnesota’s 1st Brigade Red Bulls and their upcoming missions over the next few years, and we’ll meet the team behind our Mobile Veterans Center. Guests include: Army Col. Robert Intress of the Minnesota National Guard Lina Knox & Neil Krenz of the Mobile Vets Center Tim Leonhardt of the Minnesota Patriot […]