Tag Archive for: Veterans of Foreign Wars

Commanders Task Force Holiday Show

This week we have our annual Commanders Task Force Holiday Show with State Commanders from American Legion Department of Minnesota, DAV Department of Minnesota, JWVMN, Minnesota Paralyzed Veterans of America and Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Minnesota. Guests include:

MDVA Higher Education and New VFW Commander

This week we learn about the Higher Education Veterans Program at the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs, meet the new State Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Minnesota and get an update from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. Guests include:

This week we host our annual Commanders Task Force Holiday Show. We hear from the Commanders of these Veterans Service Organizations: Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Minnesota, JWVMN, American Legion Department of Minnesota, DAV Department of Minnesota and Minnesota Paralyzed Veterans of America. Guests include:

This week we learn about a special proclamation from the Adjutant General, hear the story of Gold Star Son Rep. Dean Phillips, meet with the new Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Minnesota and get an update from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. Guests include:


This weeks show marks our 12 year Anniversary and 650th show. This week we meet with the new Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Minnesota, learn about Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council becoming a Beyond the Yellow Ribbon organization and get an update from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. Guests include: