Tag Archive for: Senior Enlisted Advisor

D-Day and the Vietnamese Veterans Memorial

This week we talk with a former curator of the Minnesota Military Museum about D-Day, learn about the Vietnamese Veterans Memorial from VVA Chapter 290 and get an update from our Senior Enlisted Advisor. Guests include:

1st Brigade Combat Team Update and Team Red White and Blue

This week we discuss the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, learn about a special Veterans program Team Red White and Blue and get an update from our Senior Enlisted Advisor. Guests include:

AUSA and Women Veterans Initiative

This week we talk with the president of the Vessy Chapter AUSA, learn about the Women Veterans Initiative and get an update from our Senior Enlisted Advisor. Guests include:

Month of the Military Child and VVA Minnesota Chapter

This week we discuss the Month of the Military Child, learn about the Minnesota Chapter of the Vietnam Veterans of America and get an update from our Senior Enlisted Advisor. Listeners in the Metro Area will be getting a live show with The Minnesota National Guard Recruiting and Retention Battalion at Cragun’s Resort on Gull Lake. Guests Include:


Camp Ripley, NOREX and Veterans Day on the Hill

This week we meet with the Garrison Commander of Camp Ripley, discuss Veterans Day on the Hill and get an update from our Senior Enlisted Advisor. Guests include: