Tag Archive for: Minnesota National Guard

Tuskegee Airman and Suicide Prevention Month

This week we meet with an original Tuskegee Airman, discuss R3SP and Suicide Prevention Month with the Minnesota National Guard and get an update from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. Guests include:

Military Appreciation Day at the Minnesota State Fair

This week we meet with Governor Mark Dayton about the Centennial of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division, discuss Armed Forces Appreciation day with Maj. Gen. Richard C. Nash, learn about an upcoming deployment/exercise with Maj. Gen. Jon Jensen and get an update from the Navy League. Guests include:

VA Homeless Program and Women's Leadership Forum

This week we learn about a Homeless Program from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System, talk about the upcoming Minnesota National Guard Women’s Leadership Forum and get an update from our County Veteran Service Officer. Guests include:


Green Care for Troops and United Heroes League

This week we learn about Project Evergreen’s Green Care for Troops, get an update from the United Heroes League and some information on Military Appreciation Day at the Minnesota State Fair. Guests include:

2nd Battalion, 135th Infantry Returns and Upward Bound

This week we discuss the 2nd Battalion 135th Infantry Regiment return from Egypt, learn about Veterans Upward Bound and get an update from the Minnesota Patriot Guard. Guests include: