Tag Archive for: Minneapolis VA


This week we’ll hear about the our state’s tribal veterans services officers and the contributions of our Native American veterans. We also get an update from the Minneapolis VA and the Minnesota Association of County Veteran Service Officers. Guests include:

  • Wendy Sederstrom of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Todd Kubinski of Scott County
  • Patrick Kelly of the Minneapolis VA Healthcare Center


feature_20101028_MEGThis week we’ll get an inside look at the latest research happening at the Minneapolis VA on Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other brain related conditions, and we’ll meet two of Minnesota’s most well known yellow ribbon companies. Guests include:

  • Dr. Brian Engdahl & Dr. Apostolos Georgopoulos of the Minneapolis VA
  • Doug Reynolds & Dan Jasper of The Mall of America
  • Neil McKay & Scott Whitman of Allianz Life Insurance

1943-pratella-italy-34th-infantry-divisionThis week, with the 70th anniversaries of the liberation of Rome and D-Day quickly approaching we go in-depth on Minnesota’s contributions to the war. We’ll also get updates from Minnesota’s American Legion and the Minneapolis VA. Guests include:

  • Doug Bekke of the Minnesota Military Museum
  • Mike Ash of Minnesota’s American Legion
  • Patrick Kelly of the Minneapolis VA

140107-Z-KL308-287This week, just in time for tax season, we get financial advise from a military money expert and we hear how the Minneapolis VA is reaching out to the latest generation of veterans. Also, we’ll find out why VA claims in Minnesota will now take longer to file. Guests include:

  • Craig Hovland from Beyond the Yellow Ribbon
  • Mark Frenzel of the Minneapolis VA
  • Todd Kubinski of the Minnesota Association of County Veteran Service Officers

Minneapolis VAThis week we’ll see how organizations across the state are “Joining Forces” to support the troops and we’ll meet the new director of the Minneapolis VA. Guests include:

  • Patrick J. Kelly of the Minneapolis VA
  • Annette Kuyper, Army Maj. John Wisniewski and Command Sgt. Maj. Cindy Kallberg of the Minnesota National Guard