Tag Archive for: Minneapolis VA

Shoot for the Troops and Cargill Yellow Ribbon Initiatives

This week we learn about the upcoming Shoot for the Troops events, discuss Cargill’s Yellow Ribbon Initiatives and get an update from the Minneapolis VA. Guests include:


Women's Leadership Forum and DAV

This week we learn about the Minnesota National Guards Women’s Leadership Program, visit with the Department Commander of the Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota and get an update from the Minneapolis VA. Guests include:

This week we talk with a doctor from the Minneapolis VA Hospital about hospice care, learn about the Minneapolis E W Rawlings Chapter of the Airforce Association and get an update on the upcoming Patriot Ride. Guests include:

Legislative Session Review Warrant Officer ProgramThis week we talk with the legislative director at the Minnesota Department of Veteran Affairs, learn about the Warrant Officer Program at the Minnesota National Guard and get an update from the associate director of the Minneapolis VA. Guest include:

Survivor Outreach Services and Military Sexual Trama


This week we discuss Survivor Outreach Services, Military Sexual Trauma and get an update from our County Veteran Service Officer. Guests include: