Tag Archive for: Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs

Re-creating-History-with-the-Red-Bulls-620x410This week we’ll learn about “Through a Soldier’s Eyes”, the upcoming feature on Twin Cities Public Television that spans the generation from WWII to Iraq. We’ll also hear about all that the Hastings Veteran Home has to offer and we’ll meet the Senior Enlisted Advisor of the United State’s Army’s First Army. Guests include:

  • Command Sergeants Maj. Sam Young and Doug Wortham
  • Luke Heikilla of TPT and Staff Sgt. Dillon Jennings
  • Andrew Burnside of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs

DSC_0292This week we’re recording during Military Appreciation Day at the Minnesota State Fair to talk about the latest Veteran news. Guests include:

  • Governor Mark Dayton
  • Commissioner Larry Shellito and Deputy Commissioners Reggie Worlds and Robin Gaustad of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Director Patrick Kelly of the Minneapolis VA

This week we hear how one organization goes to new heights to help veterans and we also find out about an upcoming veteran small business seminar. We will also get an update about what the Patriot Guard has been up to. Guests include:

This week, we’ll find out what’s going on in the legislative session, we’ll hear from Civil War re-enactors about the Civil War Headstone Project and we will learn about Hero2Hired a Yellow Ribbon program. Guests include:

  • Mike McElhiney, Legislative Director, MDVA
  • Dr. Kurt Klotzbuecher DDS & Stephen Osman, 1st Minnesota Volunteers
  • Command Sgt. Maj. Cindy Kallberg of the Minnesota National Guard

6009154599_5ed509f4f6_oThis week, we’ll hear about the upcoming deployment of more than 200 Minnesota troops and we’ll talk with Director of Claims and Outreach for the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs. Guests include:

  • Ron Quade of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Army Col. Greg Thingvold and Command Sgt. Maj. Cindy Kallberg of the Minnesota National Guard