Tag Archive for: Disabled American Veterans

MDVA at the State Fair

This week our focus is the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs and their programs and services, we also talk with other veteran service organizations including the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon program and Disabled American Veterans. Guests include:

Women's Leadership Forum and DAV

This week we learn about the Minnesota National Guards Women’s Leadership Program, visit with the Department Commander of the Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota and get an update from the Minneapolis VA. Guests include:

We’re live today for Memorial Day from 6-9 covering the events happening across the state to honor our falllen. Guests and special co-hosts include:



Hour 2

Month of the Military Child and Vet's Day on the HillThis week we learn about the Month of the Military Child, discuss Veterans day on the Hill and get an update from our Senior Enlisted Advisor. Guests include:

State Commanders Task ForceThis week the state’s veterans service organizations join us for a special holiday show. Guests include: