Tag Archive for: Disabled American Veterans

MDVA Legislation and New DAV Commander

This week we get a Legislative Update from the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs, meet the new Commander of the DAV Department of Minnesota and get an update from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. Guests include:


3rd Annual Military Appreciation Day at Sutton Ridge Farm

This week we are recorded live from the 3rd Annual Military Appreciation Day at Sutton Ridge Farm. We meet with the Commander and past Commander of the Disabled American Veterans, Department of Minnesota, learn about the 36 years of the World War II History Round Table and discuss Vietnam and Minnesota Warriors Hockey with a Vietnam Veteran. Guests include:

175th RTI and DAV of Minnesota

This week we meet with the 175th Regiment – RTI “Courage Prevails” to learn about their Warrant Officer Program, discuss legislative issues with the Disabled American Veterans, Department of Minnesota and get an update from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. Guests include:

This morning we are live for Memorial Day from 6-9 AM covering the events happening across the state to honor our fallen. Guests and special co-hosts include:

Veterans Day on the Hill and Minnesota Department of Military Affairs

This week we meet with the Minnesota Department of Military Affairs, check in with the executive director of the Disabled American Veterans, Department of Minnesota to learn about Veterans Day on the Hill and get an update from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. Guests include: