VA Vocational Rehab and North Hennepin Community CollegeThis week we talk with a counselor from the Minneapolis VA about Vocational Rehabilitation, learn about North Hennepin Community College about becoming a Yellow Ribbon Company and get an update from the director of the Minneapolis VA. Guests include:


This week we learn about the Minnesota National Guard’s Junior Diversity Council, discuss the Minnesota Gold Star Families program and Women Veterans Health issues with a representative of the MDVA as well as get an update from our Senior Enlisted Advisor. Guests include:


This week we talk to the Minnesota Secretary of State, Steve Simon and find out about the Merchant Marines in World War II. We also get an update about the USS Minnesota and the Navy ball. Guests include:



Gulf War Illness and Minnesota PowerThis week we talk with a doctor about new research into the Gulf War Illness, meet with the newest Yellow Ribbon Company and get an update from our County Veteran Service Officer. Guests include:

13th Psyops, Medal of Honor Convention and Mile in My Shoes Program

This week we meet with the 13th Psychological Operations Battalion, discuss the upcoming Medal of Honor Convention, learn about the Mile in My Shoes organization and get an update from the flag line. Guests include: