This week we meet with Federal Premium Ammunition, learn about Veterans Day on the Hill and get an update from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. Guests include:


This week we meet with the President/CEO of the Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans, learn about the Veterans 4 Veterans program and get an update from our Senior Enlisted Advisor. Guests include:

Aging, Alzheimer's and the St. Cloud VA

This week we talk Aging and Alzheimer’s with a Neuropsychologist from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System, meet with leadership from St. Cloud VA Health Care System and get an update from the Military Family Assistance Centers of Minnesota. Guests include:

Red Bull Health on Deployment and County Veteran Service Officers

This week we discuss health and wellness on deployment with Medics from the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division at Camp Arifjan in Kuwait, get an update from the MN Patriot Guard and have a Year in Review discussion with our County Veteran Service Officer. Guests include:

Family Assistance Centers and Marine Corps League

This week we learn about the Military Family Assistance Centers of Minnesota and their relationship with the Minnesota Military Family Foundation, meet with the Marine Corps League – Department of Minnesota and get an update from our County Veteran Service Officer. Guests include:

To get in contact with the Military Family Assistance Centers of Minnesota Please Call 612-618-6927