US-Huey-helicopter-spraying-Agent-Orange-in-VietnamThis week, forty years after Vietnam we’ll go in-depth on the lasting, devastating effects of Agent Orange on our veterans and their descendants. We’ll also find out more about the Army Reserve’s presence here in Minnesota. Guests include:

  • Maynard Kaderlik of the Vietnam Veterans of America
  • Lt. Col. Gerald Ostlund of the Army Reserve

Congressional Report: The Agent Orange Coverup
Veterans’ Disease Associated with Agent Orange
Jayda’s Story


Don PankakeThis week; the state’s American Legion commander joins us to talk about how you can help save the Minneapolis Veterans Home project and we’ll get a preview of upcoming events at Historic Fort Snelling. Guests include:


Under overcast skies, a bright day for Minnesota Soldiers and families

This week, we’ll talk with the top Red Bull Soldier about the history and future of the storied unit and we’ll discover a new mentorship program introduced in the Minnesota National Guard. Guests include:



AUSA_GJWVCThis week, we’ll get an overview of all of the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon efforts and we’ll discover Minnesota’s Vessey Chapter of the Association of the United States Army. Guests include:


800px-C-130H_over_Mills_Lacs_Lake_-_060820-F-3188G-124This week, we’ll get an update on the expanding use of Veterans courts across the states and hear from Minnesota’s Airmen of the year. Guests include:

  • Pete Orput & Jeff Peterson Washington County
  • Air Force Master Sergeants Jessica Todd and Ryan Fenton and Tech. Sgt. Ashlee Ingvalson of the Minnesota National Guard’s 133rd Airlift Wing
