9927_163226492527_503642527_2754107_7571635_n This week, we’ll remember a fallen Minnesota Soldier and see the legacy he left behind. Also, in conjunction with the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, we’ll meet a Minnesota Veteran of both Pearl Harbor and Iwo Jima. Guests include:

VFW LogoThis week we’ll meet the state’s new VFW commander and we discover the healing power of music at Minnesota’s Veterans Homes. Guests include:

  • Commander Frank Presfield of the Minnesota Veterans of Foreign Wars
  • Jeromey Darling




Tim Kerr (right) and Kabul Area Office resident engineer Randy Braley brief TAA commander Col. Michael J. Price, Kabul Area Office officer in charge Col. Richard Heitkamp at the site of a project that began as an open field near a village. (Official USACE TAA photo by T.W. Lyman/released)

 (Credit: T.W. Lyman, Army Corps of Engineers)

This week, we check in on the rebuilding efforts and drawdown in Afghanistan and with more and more aging veterans being cared for at home, we discover a respite option available for them and their caregivers. Guests include:

  • Army Col. Michael Price of the Afghanistan Engineer District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Ann Rostratter & Craig Barness of the Minneapolis Veterans Home’s Adult Day Center
  • Command Sgt. Maj. Cindy Kallberg of the Minnesota National Guard


Veterans_Day_2013_PosterThis Veterans Day we’re live from the Inver Grove Heights Armory at the official Minnesota state event. Guests and co-hosts include:

  • Hour 1: Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie
    • Governor Mark Dayton
  • Hour 2: Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs Commissioner and Vietnam Veteran Larry Shellito
    • Les Hanson of Toys4Military Kids
  • Hour 3: Afghan War Veteran Mike McElhiney of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
    • U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar
    • Maj. Gen. Rick Nash of the Minnesota National Guard

Hour 1:

Hour 2:

Hour 3:

Croatian-soldierThis week we discover the Minnesota National Guard’s international partnership with Croatia and we’ll talk about one of the state’s largest Yellow Ribbon companies, Wells Fargo. Guests include:

  • Army Lt. Col. Guy Konietzko of the Minnesota National Guard
  • Mary Gabler of Wells Fargo
  • Army Col. (Ret.) Dino Sarracino of Operation Homefront