Entries by Ryan

Spring Flooding Prep & Minnesota’s VFW

This week we’ll get a flood season update from the Saint Paul District of the Army Corps of Engineers and we’ll hear the latest news on rural healthcare and other issues from the Minnesota VFW. Guests include: Col. Dan Koprowski, Commander of the Saint Paul District of the Army Corps of Engineers Frank Presfield, Commander […]

Minnesota’s 133rd Airlift Wing Prepares to Deploy

This week we’ll hear about the upcoming deployment of Minnesota’s 133rd Airlift Wing and we’ll meet an organization that traces it’s roots to the American Revolution. Guests include: Lt. Col. Jeffery Wong, Maj. Kevin Roche and Master Sgt. Richard Krivanek of the Minnesota National Guard’s 133rd Airlift Wing Lori Clausen of the Daughters of the […]

Veteran Homelessness & Police Training

This week we’ll take an in-depth look at the Minneapolis VA’s effort to eliminate veteran homelessness and we’ll hear about new training available for law enforcement to help veterans in crisis. Guests include: Wayne Shellum of the Upper Midwest Community Policing Institute (UMCPI) Jonelle Glubke of the Minneapolis VA Health Care System Todd Kubinski of […]

Minnesota’s Ex-POWs

This week we’ll hear the story of one Minnesotan’s experience as a prisoner of war (POW) during World War II and we’ll find out how a Minnesota organization is helping all of our surviving Ex-POWs and their families. Guests include: David Claypool & Dick Carroll of the Minnesota chapter of the American Ex-Prisoners of War

Live with Outdoors with Heroes

This week we are live at Cragun’s and take a look at what Outdoors with Heros is doing to help service members. We’ll also find out about upcoming events from The Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota. Guests include: Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Worden of Camp Ripley Bob Nelson of  Crow Wing County Veteran Services Dutch Cragun of Cragun’s Resort […]