1st Armored Brigade Combat Team and MDVA Programs

This week in the Twin Cities metro we are broadcasting live from the Serving Our Troops event at Camp Arifjan Kuwait Please tune in to Twin Cities News Talk AM1130 or iHeartRadio at 0700 this Sunday.

Outside the metro we discuss the 1st Brigade, 34th Infantry Division national training center rotation, learn about Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs programs and services and get an update from the Minneapolis VA Health Care System. Guests include:


Historic Fort Snelling and Veteran LegislationThis week we learn about a new vision for Minnesota’s Historic Fort Snelling, discuss pending Veteran legislation with a state representative and get an update from our senior enlisted advisor. Guests include:



Smoking Cessation and Soldiers for LifeThis week we talk with an MD from the Minneapolis VA about Smoking Cessation, learn about the Soldier for Life program and get an update from our County Veteran Service Officer. Guests include: